Motorcycle Accident

Ways to Avoid Blind Spot Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents involving blind spots are a common and avoidable occurrence on American roads. These accidents are generally the result of inexperienced drivers, limited visibility, and speeding. Riders suffer the worst outcomes in these accidents, with drivers often experiencing nothing more than mild property damage. With a couple of changes by riders and drivers, it’s possible to decrease the number of blind spot collisions we see.

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a blind spot accident, it’s time to find out if you have a valid personal injury claim. Call Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman at 866-565-4949 to schedule your free consultation now.

Why These Accidents Are So Common

Although blind spot collisions can happen between any two vehicles, they are much more common when a motorcycle is in a vehicle’s blind spot. Why is this? To start, there is a significant size disparity between motorcycles and standard passenger vehicles. Drivers may fail to check for them, and if they just do a quick blind spot check, they could miss them entirely.

Additionally, inattentive driving is a growing issue in the United States. A driver who does a blind spot check simply to check it off their mental to-do list already thinks no one’s there—they aren’t looking for a motorcyclist. Some drivers skip blind spot checks entirely, increasing the risk of a crash.

Some of it boils down to inexperience. Drivers may be used to checking for other cars in their blind spots. When something smaller, like a bike or motorcycle, is there, it’s easy to miss it. Drivers have to make intentional efforts to look for motorcyclists before changing lanes.

Finally, these crashes may also occur when a motorcyclist is riding dangerously. If a rider is swerving in and out of lanes, they may enter a driver’s blind spot after they have already checked it but before they have changed lanes.

Understanding the Vulnerability of Motorcyclists on the Road

Motorcyclists are incredibly vulnerable on the road, which is why it’s so important for drivers to do everything they reasonably can to prevent accidents. Riders have minimal to no protection from their vehicles and riding gear, especially when compared to the protection that drivers have. Motorcycles also have less stability and balance than cars—a blind spot sideswipe that would only cause property damage to another car could knock a motorcycle over and cause serious injuries to a rider.

Another contributing factor is the societal bias against motorcyclists. Even if a biker is clearly not at fault for a collision, there’s a good chance the insurance company will decide against them anyway. This leaves them with higher insurance rates, the risk of a lawsuit, and other consequences.

How Drivers Can Prevent Blind Spot Collisions

There is a lot that drivers can do to protect riders from blind spot collisions, including:

  • Doing a proper blind spot check: This doesn’t mean a cursory glance over your shoulder. It means actually properly checking your blind spot for drivers, motorcyclists, and bicyclists before even starting to change lanes.
  • Using their signal appropriately: Using your turn signal in advance of a lane change allows motorcyclists to get out of your blind spot and take steps to protect themselves.
  • Staying attentive while driving: Avoid driving on autopilot, as this makes it very easy to switch lanes without actually knowing if a vehicle is in your blind spot.
  • Being aware of general road conditions: If you know that a motorcyclist is in your general vicinity, keep that in mind while checking your blind spot, changing lanes, turning, or making other maneuvers.

How Riders Can Prevent Blind Spot Accidents

Riders should also be proactive about their own safety by:

  • Maximizing your visibility
  • Signaling clearly when changing lanes
  • Staying out of a vehicle’s blind spot whenever possible
  • Avoiding swerving in and out of lanes
  • Anticipating other drivers’ behavior
  • Riding defensively

Rider safety is everyone’s responsibility and in everyone’s best interests.

Injured in a Crash? Contact Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman

You have legal options if you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident. It all starts with a consultation with Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman. Find out how we can help by calling us at 866-565-4949 or reaching out online.