Modern changes in surgical procedures have reduced the risks of surgical errors, but many of these errors still happen regularly in Pennsylvania. If someone you care about has been injured by a surgical error, talking with an experienced lawyer is the best way to learn about your options. Contact the lawyers at Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman, L.L.C., to talk about how a surgical error has affected your life. Since 1974, attorneys at our Pennsylvania law firm have been representing the victims of many different types of surgical errors — helping them achieve favorable settlements and jury verdicts in Pennsylvania courts. Attorneys at our Pittsburgh law office represent the victims of a broad spectrum of surgical errors, including those listed below: When we take your surgical error case, we begin by reviewing your medical records, consulting with experts and filing a Certificate of Merit. After that, we file a factually specific complaint that details the allegations of medical malpractice. We then conduct detailed interviews — called depositions — of defendants, witnesses and medical experts. These may include the surgeon, surgical assistants and representatives of the hospital or surgery center. We also conduct thorough document reviews, research legal statutes and case law. This work can involve extensive costs, but our clients do not need to worry about paying to file their medical malpractice lawsuits. We handle these lawsuits on contingency, which means that we pay upfront for costs assumed by our law firm. You only owe us if we recover favorably for you, either through a settlement or jury verdict. Regardless of the nature of your experience, if you have suffered a life-changing injury or the death of a loved one, talk with our attorneys about your options. Contact the lawyers at the Pittsburgh law office of Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman, L.L.C., by calling us at 412-391-9860 in Pittsburgh or Western Pennsylvania, or toll free at 866-466-5789. You may also complete our online contact form. Initial consultations are free and confidential.Pittsburgh Surgical Error Attorney
Pittsburgh Surgery Errors Attorney For Victims Of Medical Negligence
Your Medical Malpractice Lawsuit: Understanding The Process
Contact Us
Medical Malpractice
Contact Us
20 Stanwix Street, Suite 700
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: 412-391-9860
Toll Free: 866-565-4949
Fax: 412-391-7453