The Importance of the Accident Reconstruction Specialist for Your Case

The Importance of the Accident Reconstruction Specialist for Your Case

In the moment, a car accident feels like it lasts forever. Although it’s really over in a matter of seconds, everything seems like it’s moving in slow motion. You might think that this means you’ll remember the details of the accident for the rest of your life. The fact is, though, that there’s only so much you can observe about a crash you’re involved in. How do you get the missing pieces, especially if the other driver is denying all liability?

You may need an accident reconstruction specialist. To learn more about what accident reconstruction specialists do and how they may be part of your strategy, call Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman at 866-565-4949.

Your Memory is Fallible

Many accident victims underestimate the value of a reconstruction specialist and overestimate the power of their own memory. Even hours after a crash, the details may start to fade from memory.

As you talk to others about the crash, their understanding and commentary may shape your memories to the point that you remember things that didn’t actually happen. This can make it difficult to give accurate testimony and may actually harm your claim if your story changes over time. What you need is an objective understanding of what happened during the crash.

How Accident Reconstruction Specialists Work

Accident reconstruction experts use a variety of evidence to form a solid understanding of what happened prior to and during the accident. They often gather evidence from the scene of the crash to look at skid marks, traffic lights, guardrails, and other components of the environment, as all of these may indicate what happened. They may also look at video footage to try to put together what happened.

With the evidence gathered, the accident reconstruction specialist will determine which directions the vehicles were traveling in, how fast they were going, and which errors were made that led to the crash. If there were vehicular malfunctions that caused the crash, they will also determine what role those malfunctions played in the collision.

Using the accident reconstruction they create, the accident reconstruction specialist will offer an explanation for how different injuries occurred and which actions led to damage to both vehicles.

Filling in the Gaps of the Accident

Consider the accident a puzzle. There are the pieces you contribute, the pieces the other driver contributes, and then the missing parts. The accident reconstruction expert fills in the rest. This includes the parts of the accident that neither driver could possibly know about.

Remember, it’s hard enough to have a full recollection of events when you are fully paying attention. When you are trying to protect yourself in an accident, it’s even harder to accurately take in the details of what’s happening around you.

Using the Information in Court or During Negotiations

Once the accident reconstruction specialist has done their investigation and they are confident in their findings, they often put the information together in an animated retelling of the crash. This offers a neutral perspective to both drivers’ stories and explains where things went wrong. The animation also allows both parties to get a better understanding, ask relevant questions, and provide context to different details.

This information can be very useful if you are not at fault for the crash and you’re trying to get compensation. By proving that you did nothing wrong and the other driver was at fault, you can make it harder for the insurance company to ignore your claim.

Do You Need an Accident Reconstruction Specialist?

Please note that an accident reconstruction expert isn’t necessary in every case. Some cases are cut-and-dry, and the expense of a specialist just isn’t worth it. More complicated cases or accidents where everyone involved has wildly different stories may benefit the most from the assistance of an accident reconstruction specialist.

Discuss Your Legal Options with Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman

Feeling overwhelmed by your car accident claim? Make sure you have a strong legal advocate fighting for you. Choose Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman for representation that puts you first. Schedule your consultation now by calling us at 866-565-4949 or sending us a message online. We’re ready to use our expertise to help you pursue full and fair compensation.