The Correlation Between Car Accidents and Mental Health Issues

It’s easy to think solely about the physical impact of a car accident, but crashes can also negatively affect your mental health. When your safety and well-being are in danger, your mind goes through its own trauma. It’s important to think about the mental health consequences of a car accident and get the support you need to heal.

Looking for help with your car accident claim? The team at Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman is here for you. Call us at 866-565-4949 to set up a consultation now.

Psychological Impact of Car Accidents

People involved in car accidents report a variety of mental health symptoms and concerns in the hours, days, and months following a collision. Accidents are sudden, violent, and completely uncontrollable. That puts a strain on your psyche. Some victims develop post-traumatic stress disorder after a crash. They may unwillingly relive the accident through flashbacks, have nightmares, avoid reminders of the crash, and withdraw from regular life in order to manage their symptoms.

Depression and mood disorders may also be diagnosed after a crash. Some fall into deep depressive spells after an accident, reporting hopelessness, apathy, and intense sadness. Anxiety disorders are also fairly common after car accidents. Victims may worry about how the crash could have been worse and be unable to move on. They may also be preoccupied with ways to protect themselves from accidents in the future, even if that means taking unreasonable safety precautions.

You may also exhibit avoidance behaviors after a collision. These behaviors may be as broad as avoiding driving completely, or as specific as refusing to drive at the time the crash happened or avoiding the road where the accident occurred.

Factors Affecting Your Mental Health After a Crash

If you know people who have been in accidents, you may be wondering about the huge range of outcomes in terms of mental health. Some may seem not to have been affected at all, while others may have seen a permanent change in their mental health. A number of factors contribute to how one’s mental health is impacted by a collision:

  • Accident severity: The more severe your collision is, the more likely you are to suffer significant mental health concerns because of it. While those in minor fender benders may only experience some annoyance and anxiety over car repairs, those who went through an accident that could have been fatal may grapple with the effects of it for years to come.
  • Pre-existing mental health concerns: Someone with previous mental health concerns or existing diagnoses may fare more poorly than someone without a history of mental health issues. However, on the plus side, those individuals may also already have a psychiatrist and therapist to help them navigate this time.
  • Strength of your support system: People with mental health support, close friends and family members, and other support sources in place often recover much more quickly from mental health issues than those who are isolated. It can be helpful to reach out to trusted loved ones immediately after a crash to figure out who you can rely on as a steady source of comfort as you recover.
  • Financial concerns: Financial concerns are a major issue for many after a car crash, and they can make any mental health concerns significantly worse. Those with the financial security to cover the financial fallout of an accident may have somewhat better mental health than those with financial issues.

Legal Considerations

Some victims avoid seeking legal assistance because they think it will worsen their mental health issues. However, this can actually lead to worse mental health outcomes, as failing to seek compensation may leave you unable to get the treatment you need. If you experience mental health issues as a result of a car crash, it’s important to keep your lawyer informed of your expenses and progress.

Explore Your Legal Options with Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman

Let’s sit down and talk about your car accident, your injuries, and how we can help. The sooner we begin your claim, the sooner you may be able to recover compensation for your losses. To set up a consultation, call us at 866-565-4949 or send us a message online and someone will reach out to you.