Car Accidents Involving Wildlife

Car Accidents Involving Wildlife: Legal Considerations and Prevention Strategies

When you’re involved in a car accident, figuring out compensation is generally pretty simple. There’s usually a driver to blame, and you can seek compensation from that driver to make yourself whole after a crash. But what happens when wildlife gets involved? Who’s liable then, and how are you supposed to seek damages?

At Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman, we have helped many accident victims fight for the damages they’re owed. Let us help you through your claim. Call us at 866-565-4949 to set up a consultation now.

Common Risks in Pennsylvania

One of the biggest dangers faced by Pennsylvania drivers is a deer collision. Recent research indicates that Pennsylvania has the highest number of deer-car collision claims in the entire country. They lead to over $1 billion in expenses. The riskiest time for drivers is fall when deer are more likely to take risks due to mating season. Per State Farm data, one out of 57 licensed drivers will hit an animal while driving.

Outcomes vary widely. In many cases, these accidents result in roadkill that must be cleaned off the road and destroyed. However, the vehicle and its occupants may also suffer. Some vehicles have no more than a scratch, while others are completely totaled by an overeager deer. In many cases, there are no human injuries; in others, there are severe or even fatal injuries.

Laws Regarding Wildlife Accidents

Laws on this topic vary from state to state, so it’s important to know Pennsylvania laws as we head into deer mating season. Per Pennsylvania law, a crash involving a deer or any other wildlife is a not-at-fault accident. Insurance must pay out these claims and they cannot raise your rates because of a wildlife-related crash.

There is one exception: crashes where you do not actually come into contact with the deer. These are fairly common. A driver sees a deer crossing the road and swerves to avoid hitting it. As a result, they crash into another car or into a stationary object. The deer, none the wiser, prances away back into the woods. Even though this crash happened because of a deer, your insurance company would probably not consider it a wildlife-related crash, and they would be able to raise your rates because of it.

Preventing Wildlife-Related Car Accidents

While you cannot control nature or how deer get around, you can do quite a bit to protect yourself and reduce the likelihood of an accident. First, know when to stay off the roads or at least be extra cautious. Dawn and dusk are when you’re most likely to see deer out and about. Unfortunately, these are also the times of day when visibility tends to be lowest. If you must travel at these times, take extra care and drive slowly enough that you can stop if a deer runs in front of you.

Additionally, know that October, November, and December are the most common months for deer-related crashes. Be wary when on the road during these months and give yourself extra time whenever you travel. You can keep an eye on accidents and wildlife reports in your area to know which roads are most dangerous.

You should also have gear in your car that would be useful if an accident occurred. As the temperatures drop, you don’t want to be stuck outside waiting for hours for a tow truck. Make sure you have blankets, clean water, nonperishable food items, the phone number for the local wildlife agency, and a reliable tow truck company. You should also have your insurance agent’s contact information so you can get immediate help with a collision.

Car accidents are inevitable, but with a little bit of preparation, you can keep yourself and your family safe if one ever happens to you.

Injured in a Car Accident? Let Us Help—Call Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman

If you have been hurt in a car crash and you’re struggling to get the compensation you are owed, the team at Caroselli, Beachler & Coleman can help. Take the first step now by scheduling your free consultation. Just reach out online or call us at 866-565-4949 to get started.